We’re seriously worth it.
It all started with the world’s worst coffee.
Our founder, John Roberts, is a serious, straight-shooting Scot from Falkirk, Scotland. Falkirk is home to the prettiest cobblestone streets and some of the worst coffee in the world. Upon his first sip, John decried it the drink of the devil. Now here he is, OBSESSED.
Just bloody good Australian coffee at a bloody good price point.
His particular, high-planning, overthinking, no BS personality and seven-year background in coffee roasting means he’s the perfect guy to deliver a new offering of accessible, primo beans. Perpetually two steps ahead, allergic to cutting corners, and always taking notes, John has seen a gap in the market for bloody good Australian coffee at a bloody good price point. This legit bean nerd wants to celebrate the great diversity of beans, being a one stop shop offering the whole gambit – light roast, medium roast, dark roast and flavoured coffee. He has no interest in being the connoisseur’s top choice, entering an uber sophisticated market, or knocking anyone’s socks off.